"Dear God, please give me a loving, thankful heart, and help me to be as Christ in some way to every life I touch today by being thoughtful, kind, loving, appreciative and affirming. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."
Hebrews 10:24-25(NIV)
How are you. my dear friends and family?
Even though this year's Summer Camp is over and everything went very well, we have so much more to do! I think this is actually the right time to start 'organizing' my projects and goals. =)
Yes, I am thankful and grateful for my family and friends. But most of all, grateful to God. He has made it possible for us to be in a place where we can learn, play and work together.
Yes, I do need alot of help, all the time.
My wishlist? My goals? They may or may not materialize, but it is still worthwhile to think and dream about things I want to do.
1. CD of my old English songs from my old albums
2. CD of my old Chinese songs
3. A Mandarin CD - covers
4. A new Cantonese CD
5. Christmas CD for Kids
6. Book of Clouds
7. CD & Book for Kids
8. International CD of Kids popular songs (famous kids songs from all over the world)
9. Coffee Table Book of Teresa Carpio's Life story
10. Cookbook from Andreas
11. Christian CD - English and Chinese
There! What do you think?