Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Power of Love

I am so thankful to be so loved.

Thank you, to my dearest husband, for never giving up, never faltering nor thinking it's impossible.

Because of your faith in making it work for me, it is realised and I am so grateful for your love for me.

Darling, I want to be closer to you and hope I can make you happy, too.

A toast to you, my dearest darling, Andreas. XOXOXOXOXOXOOXOX

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Being different is good!

Sometimes it's great to be different.
Sometimes being different means you stand out more....^^

"Never do things others can do and will do, if there are things others cannot do or will not do." ~~ Amelia Earhart

Times like these, you truly believe there is a God.

Thank you, God.

I have been thinking....... How can I fulfill what God intended for me to do in this life? Actually, it is being fulfilled each day, by doing what I have been doing and I am thankful that what I do, I love doing.

So I share with you all:

Happiness is...
1. Having something to do.
2. Doing something you love
3. Someone to love
4. Something to hope for.

There are no easy ways, but the process is the key and you don't realise until AFTER you get there, that the goal is achieved.

It's funny, thinking back on how obstinate I have been in the past and I guess I still am.

I almost always don't want to do what others are doing and trying to do something else. Something new and hopefully what I do, turns out well. =)

I am happy I can do what I do and to be able to share what I do with my loved ones.

I am praying for peace, comfort, wisdom and protection for my Dearest T.

There are times when we will all have to deal with the pain, the loneliness, and doubt, but to still remind ourselves, there is always hope, in love, in family, in friends, in ourselves, in God. To keep strong and to believe there is a greater purpose.

Love does conquer all and please know we all LOVE YOU very, very much.