Tuesday, December 29, 2009
William Shakespeare
"There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our venture."
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our venture."
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later." ~~ Og Mandino
Thank you, God, for giving our family time together, time to play, time to enjoy 'being', time to live, time to experience a new country, time to enjoy each other's company and time to LOVE! ^ ^
Now, it's time for God to lead us on His path. God, please guide us and show us Your Will in how we should continue to live in your example, to have the wisdom to see the bigger picture and to allow your Light to shine our way!
Now, it's time for God to lead us on His path. God, please guide us and show us Your Will in how we should continue to live in your example, to have the wisdom to see the bigger picture and to allow your Light to shine our way!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Our future
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Power of Love
Thank you, to my dearest husband, for never giving up, never faltering nor thinking it's impossible.
Because of your faith in making it work for me, it is realised and I am so grateful for your love for me.
Darling, I want to be closer to you and hope I can make you happy, too.
A toast to you, my dearest darling, Andreas. XOXOXOXOXOXOOXOX
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"Never do things others can do and will do, if there are things others cannot do or will not do." ~~ Amelia Earhart
Times like these, you truly believe there is a God.
Thank you, God.
I have been thinking....... How can I fulfill what God intended for me to do in this life? Actually, it is being fulfilled each day, by doing what I have been doing and I am thankful that what I do, I love doing.
So I share with you all:
Happiness is...
1. Having something to do.
2. Doing something you love
3. Someone to love
4. Something to hope for.
There are no easy ways, but the process is the key and you don't realise until AFTER you get there, that the goal is achieved.
It's funny, thinking back on how obstinate I have been in the past and I guess I still am.
I almost always don't want to do what others are doing and trying to do something else. Something new and hopefully what I do, turns out well. =)
I am happy I can do what I do and to be able to share what I do with my loved ones.
I am praying for peace, comfort, wisdom and protection for my Dearest T.
There are times when we will all have to deal with the pain, the loneliness, and doubt, but to still remind ourselves, there is always hope, in love, in family, in friends, in ourselves, in God. To keep strong and to believe there is a greater purpose.
Love does conquer all and please know we all LOVE YOU very, very much.
Friday, August 28, 2009
A Day of Gratitude
"Dear God, please give me a loving, thankful heart, and help me to be as Christ in some way to every life I touch today by being thoughtful, kind, loving, appreciative and affirming. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."
Hebrews 10:24-25(NIV)
How are you. my dear friends and family?
Even though this year's Summer Camp is over and everything went very well, we have so much more to do! I think this is actually the right time to start 'organizing' my projects and goals. =)
Yes, I am thankful and grateful for my family and friends. But most of all, grateful to God. He has made it possible for us to be in a place where we can learn, play and work together.
Yes, I do need alot of help, all the time.
My wishlist? My goals? They may or may not materialize, but it is still worthwhile to think and dream about things I want to do.
1. CD of my old English songs from my old albums
2. CD of my old Chinese songs
3. A Mandarin CD - covers
4. A new Cantonese CD
5. Christmas CD for Kids
6. Book of Clouds
7. CD & Book for Kids
8. International CD of Kids popular songs (famous kids songs from all over the world)
9. Coffee Table Book of Teresa Carpio's Life story
10. Cookbook from Andreas
11. Christian CD - English and Chinese
There! What do you think?
Monday, August 24, 2009
TV's Papa Rest in Peace August 18 2009
TV's Papa - God Bless his soul
How fleeting life can be....
How fleeting life can be....
I vaguely remember answering the phone at 4:20am.
I had just sent off the final rundown for I Love Music and then the phone call... wondering who would call at this hour? Picked up the phone, no sound, I said hello? Hello? ' Mom.... Papa just died...' Even before TV said 'just died' I knew... there is no explanation... 'he died two hours ago'....
I think I woke up two hours before to write the rundown... I was so tired around 11ish that I couldn't stay awake to do the rundown, so I slept. I had not planned to wake up at that hour, nor thought about doing the rundown at that time....
Yes, I am sad.
Someone from my past has died... that someone was my daughter's father. Father of my firstborn.
That part of my life seems like a blur... even though TV is here, even though Peter is her father, even though he died, it all seems so distant and yet....
I don't want to think of deja vu. but if that is the way to describe it, then it is... I thought I had heard TV say those words before 'Papa just died' ... or is it my imagination? I will never know, maybe it's shock, maybe it was deja vu. It doesn't matter, Peter is gone. I feel so sad for TV.
I want so much to be there for her, to hold her, to let her know she is not alone. That her Mommy loves her so much. Her sisters and Andreas loves her so much!
But I am glad she is there. Near her father and family. Peter always loved TV the most. And I am grateful and glad she was there with him. I am thankful she knows her Papa.
God Bless Peter and his family. God Bless his soul, his spirit and I thank God for having TV.
No matter what has happened in the past, all is forgiven.
Life is precious and most of all, it is so important to not judge how someone wants to live, to be able to love is very powerful. Peter loved TV so much. I am happy he was her Papa.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Wonders of Life and Nature
Does anyone know the name of this flower?
I have never seen it before and it's growing in our garden! =)
I went outside and the heat fogged up my camera...so it's a beautiful effect....
A Beautiful Hibiscus in our garden.
What a week we had!
First of all, I want to thank God for His Blessings on our CD release, the promotion at the HKCC at the Audio fair and then the CD Launch at JJ's. It was a very comfortable and easy going event, with lots of friends who came to support me and my music.
Wong Cho Lam (my student), Louie Castro, Andrew Lam Man Chung, Jacky & Race, (both my students),
Anders Nelsson, Joey V. (my musical director and bandleader/guitarist/arranger), and Antonio Serrano (drummer), Mike Vincent & family, Philippine Consul General, Mr. Cristobal and his niece, Jasmine from NYC, Hans Ebert, Andy & Mimi of Fung Hang (my new CD distributor and partner for the release of the CD), Marlene & Jenny (my MJ buddies) TCI students, Nancy, Regina, Michael & Keiffany.
TCI team: Adee & Clement, Flora, Alexias and Serena and the TCI Kids.
And of course, my dear husband, Andreas.
Lots of reporters turned up and Shun stayed behind to interview for a special magazine.
Jade Kwan turned up near the end of the event as she had an interview before but still, happy she made it. We congratulated each other, Jade on her future wedding this Oct =) and visited for awhile. I will be supporting her at her 'Anti-Drugs for Teens concert' next month Sept 12.
Andrew Lam also announced his concert this Sept and invited me as his special guest for all three nights. Sept 25, 26 & 27. I will sing the two songs which Andrew wrote the lyrics for:
Ga Yu (IF) and Yuek Nay Yiu Lay Hoi Ngo (If you leave me).
Louie Castro is celebrating 30 years as a singer, radio host and MC with two concerts at the Cultural Center this Oct. and also invited me to be his guest on Oct 31. I will be singing Memory and Never Can Say Goodbye and also one duet with Louie, 'Tonight I Celebrate My Love'.
Each of my guests who came get a free signed CD =)
Heard more good news from friends and our distributor.
The CDs are doing very well =) YEAH And the bus ads and posters are all going to out this weekend. Another YEAH!
Flora has been sending out so many CDs to her friends in Toronto and Houston, while I am trying to get my list together to send to my friends everywhere.
Still working on the songs for TCI Summer Music performance camp. Finished 'Adorable Me' and after listening to it a few times, some English words came to mind.... will work on it AFTER the show =) It's cute... Will have to work on finishing Better Tomorrow and Body Electric/A Thousand Suns.
Missing TV and wishing her all the best in her work with Spiderman, the musical.
Thankful for Andreas. His never ending patience and love for me ...
Love for my girls, Alexias and Serena.
Thankful for their amazing talent and hardwork in making it happen for the kids at TCI.
Thankful to Adee , Flora and Clement for their dedication, love and support.
This morning, I thought of Alexias and Serena.
How these two beautiful angels are doing their best and making such a difference in their world, with their singing, dancing and laughter!
Mummy loves you!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I Like My Brain =)
"Children are the R&D department of the human species." Alison Gopnik
The TCI kids and campers are doing great, working on their songs, TCI Summer Camp theme song, Summer is Here and the All Hearts as One!
Thanks to the kids for working hard! Alexias, Anson, Audrey, Keiffany, Vanessa, Nancy, Regina and the campers, Katie, Queenie, Nicole T.,Sam, Curtis, Zoe, Camilla, Charmaine, Chloe and Nicole Ng. Serena and Kelly stayed home because of sore throats, hope they get better soon.
Gosh, it is so exciting to think about the CD launch party tomorrow at JJ's.
The backdrop looks great even though it took Adee, Flora and Andreas almost an hour to put it together. Happy! =)
Andreas also did a great job on the design for the bus ads, the proofs came in today and it's SO beautiful!! YEAH for Andreas!
Everyone is working hard and I am thankful.
Have another great day, everyone and remember who loves you the most!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What makes a great Teacher
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
TCI Fun Day!
TCI had a fun day today! =)
Even though the weather has been SO wet and it rained SO much last night, we still had a good day!
For the past 4 weeks, the TCI kids, Alexias, Serena, Anson, Audrey, Kelly, Keiffany, Vanessa, Nancy, Regina, Nicole and our TCI team, Andreas, Adee, Clement & Flora, and I have been hard at work with the camps, I just thought all of us needed some time off and some fun. So we went off and had a Thai lunch and watched a great movie today! Actually, some of us watched 2 movies!
'UP', I think is one of the best movies I have watched in long time. It had humor, good versus evil, loving relationships, cute kids, great acting voices, great credit and editing, adventure and a wonderful story to remember, to never give up on hope and your dreams!
It was a very relaxing and calm day for me after having quite a chaotic and drama-filled month =) I am thankful to be here and to enjoy my family and friends. Hallelujah! ^ ^
Still trying to work and finish the music for 'I Like My Brain', trying to get the inspiration from the kids for the show on the 19th, trying to record the kids on 'Muffin Man, I Like My Brain in English and Spanish, Summer is Fun. Andreas is hard at work again, trying to do so much at the same time. He is so wonderful! =)
Alexias seems to be getting back to normal in her work mode, so that is good news. I am grateful and thankful for Flora being here. She is such a great help and great mother to everyone. Serena and Keiffany are both being cute and helping out, too.
So keep up the good work everyone, no matter what you are trying to do, know that you are doing good! =)
Also, thanks to Matthew for being our summer intern and wishing him all the best in his studies in England and USA!
Listen to good music and think about the people who really love you.
With Hope and Dreams!
p.s. I am still loving my new CD! Thank you, God and Andreas!! XOXOXOX
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Autograph signing at HKCC
How are you, my friends?
It was a good day even though I was still not well enough to sing, but still excited and happy to have a chance to share the CD with 300 people in the audience. The event was held at the HK Convention Center where the audiophile fair was on and I was the special guest to introduce my new CD. We all had the opportunity to listen to the CD on very expensive speakers, even though it was in a theater, it sounded great!
Songs played: Hello, It Must Have Been Love, and then I tried to sing, Rainy Days and Mondays and it was ok.... croaky at times, but I was still happy singing. =) I was interviewed by Giovanni and shared the history of making the CD. How Michael and I met, how he picked the songs, and so naturally made the effort to work together on this album.
And for the last song, we listened to Memory. Then it was autograph signing time! =)
The audience was great and I think I may have signed over 200 copies.
I was also told that over 2000 CDs are sold and another 2000 on their way to the stores!! =)
So glad Andreas, Alexias, Serena, Flora, Keiffany, Adee, Clement, Nancy & Regina, Nicole Tong and Family, Douglas & friend, Marlene & Faith and my Dad came too.
Thanks to Fung Hang, Andy & Mimi and their team for organizing the event.
I really love my album..... thank you, Andreas and I love you!
p.s. cloud photo was taken in Terrigal, Central Coast near Sydney in Sept. last year...
Friday, August 7, 2009
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